Thursday, September 4, 2008

See who was outside last night as the dogs went out for the final time. He was about the size of a red globe grape...


nan16 said...

How cute. These little frogs make a racket at my house very night. This may not be a tree frog but we have those too!

Ruth said...

Ok, the frog is cute; but, I want to know how you get such great photos. Have you taken classes or is it inate with you???

... said...

honestly - I think 99% of the credit goes to that workhorse of a camera I have. I'm talking about my Sony Cybershot DSC-F707 it's a 5 megapixel and although I have a new gee whiz camera with twice the resolution - I cannot abandon this gem. No classes... just lots and LOTS of pics! Thanks though, that was sweet!