asking permission...Cassie's tail UP and wagging - permission granted. This is not Sam, it's Dakota - our charge for the past week... it's been such fun having three of them! They have such mild dispositions it was a real pleasure.
It's the way you carry yourself when you've demonstrated the ability to be capable. In the English language there is the word "inept", but not its inverse. I think there should be a word to recognize the fact that we all can be "ept", and once we are we should wear that badge proudly.
Darling Sam. always with his ball ♥
It's kind of easy to tell which one isn't your dog because the other two always look like they've spent the day at the beauty shop!
I think Sam has a more "refined" head than Dakota? Or maybe I'm partial!
Bottom photo - Cassie in front - Sam, then Dakota...
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