Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Puerto Rico is an island with a very pretty coastline and an interior that is rainforest. Off in the distance here you see the large mountain that is revered in hushed tones almost as if it were a living god. El Yunque as I have read it's name translates as "forest of clouds". It seems early every evening - while the coastline is still basking in sunshine, you can turn inland and see large ominous clouds 'hitting' the top of this mountain and letting loose with rain. I wish I had been better able to capture the varying degrees of grey clouds that defined the different hills that were visible - but this is about as good as it got.

A few days out on the eastern side of the island, then a few in Old San Juan were just the ticket. As with all large remote resorts, you have a feeling of being held hostage to only their amenities. Whereas, the freedom of a hotel in Old San Juan allowed us to wander and get a feeling for the city that we wouldn't have experienced had we stayed solely at the resort.

The buildings were painted cheery pastels - much like what we had seen in Prague - the streets were cobbled and narrow... it could easily have been Europe. We found wonderful restaurants and really had our cups topped off when it came to basking in the local fare.

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